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Baby Carrier with Hip-seat is suitable for baby who is 0-36 months, But the best use age ranges from 4 months to 1.5 years old. As most babies start to sit straight alone when they are 4 months. When babies are 1.5 years old, sole carrier can be used without straps.
[Multi-purpose Baby Carrier】The Mumgaroo all-in-one baby hip carrier is suitable for newborns to toddlers (0-36 months, 7.7-66 lbs), the unique detachable design allows the hip seat and shoulder straps to be used alone or in combination, you can combine this product into any Three different styles to meet different needs. Adjustable design and classic appearance make it suitable for dad, mom, plus size, small size at the same time. Waistline Recommendation (with Clothes): 25 to 51 in.
Age range: 0 to 36 months
Material: Polyester
Carriers Type: Front Carry