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Big Noise is one of the best sellers in the Redcon1 range and for good reason. Redcon1 Big Noise is a non-stimulant pre-workout that offers a number of performance enhancing benefits including game-changing muscle pumps. Improved nutrient circulation for faster recovery and gains, not to mention increased endurance and focus. Big Noise offers so much more than your normal non-stimulant pre-workout!
Big Noise contains a few key ingredients like glycerol, betaine and agmatine which will lead to enhanced blood flow to working muscles, hyperhydration, increased vascularity which in turn leads to next level muscle pimps and greater muscle endurance as there is more oxygen available in the muscle to work for longer. The more blood flow and oxygen available within a muscle cell the harder and longer it can work for. Hence the enhanced muscular endurance experienced when taking Big Noise. Timprovedved blood flow is what also creates insane muscle pumps and fulness which lasts all day.