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Perugias Limia are fun livebearers, they can grow to be 3-4"in size, but typically in the aquarium they only reach 3". Occurring in cool tropical streams they have a wide temperature tolerance and thrive in a variety of setups, but they do best in a planted tank.
Because of their larger size a minimum 20 gallons is recommended, larger is highly recommended to support fry growing out. Being a livebearer, you can expect babies monthly when females are mature if you are not purchasing exclusively males. the number of fry you can expect from a female varies greatly.
These fish are very social and do best when in a group minimum size 6-8.
Care Info:
Average Adult Size: 3-4" inches (7.5-10 cm)
Average Purchase: Selection indicated
*This species is bred on location* Tank bred specimens for sale, NOT imported.
Origin/Location: Haiti & Dominican Republic